Thursday, September 06, 2012

Matt Moneymaker Is Right, Those Infrasounds From Bigfoots Can Stop Deer




 Baby Bigfoot Spotted At Wunnumin Lake In August [Photo]




 Win A FREE FLIR Scout PS-24 Thermal Camera




 Want to find out if you are descended from Neanderthals or Denisovans?




 Justin Smeja Possible Bigfoot Kill




 "Labor Day Sasquatch Film"




 Let's Donate Some Cash To The Bluff Creek Trail Camera Survey Project




 Multiple Sightings of Wunnumin Lake Bigfoot Family




 Sheriff's Department Investigates Sasquatch Sighting Lacrosse Tribune

A Wisconsin town was terrorized recently by a rogue Bigfoot and his two peacock henchmen...okay, that's not exactly what happened but this article wants you to draw that conclusion because all they've got is a low news day: Bigfoot sighting along a country road and also two unrelated reports of peacocks roaming about. In Nessie news, new researcher and blogger Steve Plambeck offers an entirely different theory of the identity of the Loch Ness Monster--a giant salamander. In A Beast With Two Backs - The Gray Photo Deconstructed, he shares several points that he believes indicates a giant salamander in the famous Hugh Gray photograph.

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