Sunday, October 30, 2011

Book Review: The Yeti Incident by Clint Romag

This is terrific Bigfoot horror, featuring characters familiar to those who have read the Sasquatch Encounters saga from author Romag. Chad Gamin and Andrew Bridgeton, who survived up to this point and killed off many Sasquatches, and Victor Morey, an unethical individual who Chad and Andrew dislike. This time, their destiny takes them to Mount Olympus in Washington State where there are sightings of white hairy hominids (Yeti) which are terrorizing that area and killing indiscriminately, mostly hikers and campers. Victor wants a Yeti for experimentation purposes, while Chad and Andrew want to kill all the Yeti because of their previous experiences with the Sasquatch in Canada, near Mount Saint Helens and in Alaska killing dangerous creatures there. After many narrow escapes and bloody deaths, the book ends with a satisfying cliffhanger conclusion, to be continued in Clint's next book The Bigfoot Experiment. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

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