Sunday, March 30, 2008

Review: Sasquatch Experience 3-30-08

This was a GREAT 2-hour show, with guest Bill Munns, who discussed in the first hour if the creature in the P/G Movie is a person in a suit. He had several visual examples of suits and makeup techniques and how they apply to late-1960's suit and makeup technology and how they could not apply to "Patty" being a hoax. He also discussed Rick Baker and his opinions on "Patty" and also some about John Chambers. I asked about Bill's reaction to the assertion from Baker that the fur on "Patty" is not real, and Bill answered that very well. In the second hour, Bill discussed what IS "Patty" (and possibly Bigfoot in general), and gave examples of work he had done on some sculptures and statues of Gigantopithecus (that particular model is all over the Internet), Blackie and Zinjanthropus, all of which were postulated as possible candidates for Sasquatch by Bill. I called in close to the end of the second hour, along with Bill Green, and let him ask questions to Mr. Munns, such as had Munns worked with Roy Scheider, Ben Chapman or one other actor whose name escapes me. He also asked his usual question about whether Munns had investigated any sightings or footprints, and also if Munns was aware of the upcoming X-Files sequel. Another caller after us called in and discussed a bit about Bill's work as highlighted on Bigfoot Forums and other places. James also did his Bake Shop segment in which he discussed what Bigfooting on a budget requires out in the woods and what equipment should be used in the field. Dunno what Sean, Melissa and James have in store for next week, but I think it will be back at the usual time of 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at

The Sasquatch Experience, Sunday Nights at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central/Sasquatch Triangle, Thursday Nights at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central

You can also download past episodes there as well as subscribe via iTunes. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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