Thursday, September 05, 2013

Charlie Sheen Cryptozoologist and Kushtaka Hunter

Variety Reviews Willow Creek

Bill Munns on Abominable Science

A Vanishing Yowie?

17″ Tracks Found Near Fairbanks, Alaska

Bigfoot Times Reviews Abominable Science

Update: Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

The Kotlik Howler

Grover Krantz and the Footprint From Indiana

Why Do We Assume Sasquatch?

Oh boy, looks like Melba Ketchum's got some competition in the DNA race. Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford, says he has nearly completed his own study of 30 samples of Bigfoot DNA and will be submitting his results to peer-reviewed journals relatively soon. Unlike Ketchum, Skyes seems to be a dependable source, quick and through, and we are excited to read his results. It looks like Ketchum's horse is limping along the sidelines of the racecourse with a broken leg at this point.

The editor, Daniel Perez, takes on the skeptical tone of the book head-on and counters the claims of fakery with proof that the authors omitted a lot of facts and dismissed a lot of evidence in their efforts to debunk some of the more prominent cryptozoological cases--Bigfoot being their main target. A target of a different sort is the subject of this 102-year-old account of a trek through the wilds of Borneo that ended with the death of man who was assaulted and thrown from a tree and killed by an angry "man monkey": "The Hunt of the Man-Monkey": cryptozoology from 1901. Was this "man monkey" actually an orangutan? Or was it more a product of a bored British essayist looking to spice up his writing?

Is this a juvenile Bigfoot caught on camera? Or is it simply a bear filmed at a weird angle? We say bear and it's only that front leg and paw that puzzles us--the angle makes it look more humanoid than bear. The general consensus is the same and that the ape-like creature lurking in Virginia forest is more likely a sick bear.

The Wildest Man Of All Mysterious Universe
Nick Redfern lends some historical perspective to the legend of "wild men" throughout Europe, who seemed to have been mythical creatures with more than a bit of reality mixed in. Likewise, Esoterx, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, explores the mythical origins of A Merovingian Monster and the Founding of France, a combination that included a cryptid aquatic creature putting the moves on the human queen who gave birth to the first Merovingian king. Esoterx concludes that, "starting a dynasty is hard work".

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