Monday, May 27, 2013

Dr. Matthew Johnson: How to Conduct a Successful Bigfoot “Night Sit”

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2013
Anyway, this whole “Night Walk” thing caused me to brainstorm about a better way of doing things. That’s when I decided to begin conducting “Night Sits” instead. Now, I know there’s nothing new under the sun. I’m sure there are plenty of Bigfooters out there who’ve been conducting “Night Sits” since the beginning of time.

Five Reasons Bigfoot ABSOLUTELY Exists

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2013
This column, in particular, is 100 percent satire and/or absurd, nonsensical ramblings from a completely strange individual. Realize this before you get too upset.
Investigate Further: Five Reasons Bigfoot ABSOLUTELY Exists »

Have You Encountered a Monster?

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 27th, 2013
Are you someone willing to share the details of an out-in-out terrifying experience with a monster or mystery?
Investigate Further: Have You Encountered a Monster? »
It's a big news week for "little hairy hominoids" as one appears in the halls of a Botswana elementary school, frightening kids and disconcerting teachers to the point that classes were cancelled for the rest of the day. Loren Coleman focuses on this history of this sort of creature which has been sighted all across Africa for centuries, ID'd as "proto-pgymies" with various local names. Who Forted points to Occam's Razor by way of explanation, in that some kids probably cooked up a scheme to get an afternoon off from school: Small, Hairy, Humanoid Creature Causes Hysteria in Classroom, Closes School. Still, there is a grain of truth to the legend of the "little hairy hominoids" in Botswana as Coleman illustrates, so perhaps it's possible that the spooked kids actually saw something unexplained andwere rewarded with a day off from school too. Best school day ever, we'd think!

Dr. Jeff Meldrum Interview 2013 about Bigfoot, Part One
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