Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ghost Theory does an admirable job of attempting to debunk that recent Trail Cam photo supposedly showing a humanoid figure and comes to the conclusion that the odd figure is, in fact, a cow. A cow's behind, to be more exact. Sorry, guys, we've seen a lot of cows in our time and we are relatively certain that this is no cow butt...unless it's a cow with severe anatomical issues because simple physics would not allow a cow to look like that, let alone be living and standing upright. Ghost Theory points out that it may have been heavily altered, but we think the simplest explanation is always best--it's no cow but it's not Bigfoot either. Karl Shuker shares the fascinating details of The Smile On the Face of The Manticore And The Leucrocota, two fantasy novel-eque Fortean creatures supposedly spotted in the 17th century. The more well-known manticore had a human face and cloven hooves and has found its way into actual fantasy novels over the centuries. And finally, Brad Steiger Reviews Monster Diary, the newestbook by Nick Redfern and gives the crypto investigator's book a hearty two thumbs-up.

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