Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bigfoot: The Romney Connection




 Bigfoot Discovery Museum Show: Dr. Sykes




 Trail Cam Photo Of Bigfoot Blasting Through Bigfoot Evidence

There's some mainstream recognition of cryptozoology here. Tom Banks submitted this trailcam image of a purported sasquatch, and it made The 56 Best Wildlife Shots from Our 2012 Fall Contest. Fingers crossed that it's the real deal, not a funny bear. Scott McMann has another image, and he puts it to his fellow anomalists to answer "Is This A Sasquatch?" The guy behind this image likes CGI and Photoshop, but it's a clear image already making it suspect. Join the chorus at Ghost Theory. Here's hoping Tim Holmes gets some decent footage for Finding Bigfoot when they reach southern NY state. Jason Whong has a profile of the Chemung Man Prowls For Bigfoot, Other Creatures. Tim takes his avocation seriously, explaining three toed prints, his Bigfoot bunker, and why he prefers analog cameras over digital. One can learn a few things from him, but it's nothing next to having Loren Coleman as your professor. He provides a counterpoint to Nick Redfern's Future of Cryptozoology article we covered a few days ago. Being succinct, Loren argues all animals are cryptids 'til discovered and there's more to the field than celebrities like Nessie, Bigfoot, and Chupacabra. Nick's argument feels narrow, focusing on exceptions rather than the rules in cryptozoology. There are plenty of examples showing the field is in no danger as Loren exhorts everyone to Get Real About The Future Of Cryptozoology, Brah!!

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