Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tim Fasano's New Team, Seminole Project, Finds Possible Skunk Ape Kill





Cryptozoologists are nothing but lawful, honest citizens, yet sometimes they run afoul of the law by not fully understanding it. Matt Pruitt didn't cross the i's and dot the t's when his Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization led a group on a hunt through a national park in Arkansas. The fine has been settled but has their research paid off? Maybe, if they had been 1,500 miles away: Purported Bigfoot Sound Recorded Near Conway, New Hampshire, which seems to have everyone stumped. No word if they enquired of any American Indians, as William Jevning has words and pictures showing the connection twixt Native Peoples and the Sasquatch. And when you find yourself out in the woods, be like Loren Coleman who's excited that the Boggy Creek Book has Arrived, in which its author, Lyle Blackburn, not only covers the history of the Fouke monster but does a superb deconstruction of the monster's classic film, The Legend of Boggy Creek.

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