Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bigfoot Photo From 2008 Probably Captured By One Of These Game Cameras [Melissa Hovey]

SnowWalkerPrime Thoughts On Recent Game Cam Bigfoot Photo Released By Melissa Hovey

Should The Sasquatch Community Have Commandments of Proof?

Sightings of a strange hovering "half-man half-owl" figure (bearing a resemblance to the Mothman seen the United States) near a church in the UK sometime in 1976 is still a source of intrigue. Seen by two young sisters walking through the woods, the girls were floored by the sight and fled. Not long after, another sighting of the Owlman was reported in the same area. But many suspect that the whole ordeal was more fiction than fact, as notorious charlatan Tony Doc Shiels lived in the area during this timeframe and may very well have masterminded the sightings. Could a recently discovered 200-year-old article describing the capture and killing of a mermaid sate the cryptozoologist’s quest for a genuine cryptid? The 1812 article, described in Mermaid Killing in Exeter, mentions the sighting of a mermaid that (curiously) had not only a human torso and a fish’s lower half, but legs with which to flee it’s pursuers! But mermaid evidence has a tendency to run into the mundane, as Buxton Mermaid origins probed at University of Lincoln reveals: her hair, it turns out, is human. In more sombre news, Manuel “Manny” Solorio, 39, a brave and adventurous Bigfooter Dies While Bigfooting.

Ohio Ape: 1930

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