Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Robert Lindsay Quotes Dr. Jeff Meldrum About Bigfoot Steak: "This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years"

Robert Lindsay: Justin Smeja's Artist Rendering Of Adult Bigfoot Looks A Lot Like Todd Standing's Bigfoot Creature

Was The Finding Bigfoot Crew Punked By The Jerry Springer Prankers In Minnesota?

Time Magazine: Should We Declare Open Season on Bigfoot?

WierdAustralia: Bigfoot hunting’s not so new … Meet Australia’s 19th century Yowie Hunters

Robert Lindsay: Bigfoot DNA News Updates

With a vast store of archived files to draw on, The Professor begins a detailed but brief and spirited history of the search for a living dinosaur in Africa. The narrative includes some excellent images to associate the reader with the geography and the characters involved in the search for the legendary Mokele Mbembe. The title of the post indicates there will surely be a Part Two to the venture, and The Professor hints a Part Three might even be needed. Another legendary creature comes to the fore in Dale Drinnon's latest posting at his Frontiers of Zoology weblog as Drinnon calls on British citizen Edward Crabtree, who has been residing in Central Asia's Kazan for the past two years, to reveal the relationship between a legendary creature and Russian attempts to track down "Wildman" reports, as seen in Shurale — A Tatar Yeti? Crabtree tells of the Russian report of a creature killed in the southern Urals that officials who examined the carcass described in a manner that indicated the creature was akin to the North American Sasquatch. And that leads us to Loren Coleman's displeasure with a currently popular television reality program he thinks has begun picking from the dregs of Bigfoot evidence, as he ably describes in Were We All Stood Up On Finding Bigfoot? Coleman also presents some historical perspective to the Chinese New Year, including what was once a cryptid that now resides in many of the world's zoos, as he expounds on the Year of the Dragon.

The Mothman Movie: Ten Years Later

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