Friday, August 26, 2011

Homo Erectus Travelled the High Seas Archaeology News Network
From the maverick science files: Some of the latest research into the traces of an early manlike creature, Homo erectus, indicate this supposedly early model of Modern Man was of a high enough intelligence to navigate the world's oceans. The finding of ancient tools attributed to this ancestor on the island of Crete, believed to have been an island far longer than the history of Homo erectus, leads researchers to conclude the creature was able to navigate the open water and did so at least 100,000 years before early man was previously believed to have had this capability. Meanwhile, the belief that modern European men descended from "farmers who migrated from the Near East 5,000-10,000 years ago" has suffered a setback from work that indicates they descended, instead, from "stone-age hunters", as explained in DNA Study Deals Blow to Theory of European Origins. Also, the continuing effort to find treasure on an island off the coast of Nova Scotia has taken a technological bent this summer, as noted in Treasure Hunters Use Electric Pulses to Probe Oak Island.

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