Monday, July 25, 2011

Footage that appears to have been filmed early last year near Carbondale, PA, is alleged to show a white-haired Bigfoot that was reportedly prowling around the rural neighborhood. Craig Woolheater gathered several analyses of the footage and comparisons with other alleged Bigfoot footage. What do you think? Meanwhile, Steven Streufert updates information on additions to Bigfoot's blog, showing plenty of video features in Al Hodgson Interview, Rip Lyttle's Bigfoot Class, Tour of Willow Creek, and More. Elsewhere, one bulging eye and a froglike snout are all she has captured on camera, but Naomi West feels some victory in her latest backyard encounter detailed in Puddle Monster IV - The Terror Revealed, with photo; and the existence of some sharks of uncommon size in Canadian waters has Stephen Turnbull of CFZ - Canada revisiting a 1999 sighting in Giant Shark Sightings in the Bay of Fundy. Also, there are indications of possible trouble for a Texas youngster who thinks he bagged a renowned cryptid, as seen in Benjamin Radford's In Killing Chupacabra, Did Teen Commit a Felony? and Regan Lee's Fear of the Unknown: Another Hairless Creature Killed.

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