Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Australian Nessie" Frontiers of Zoology
Dale Drinnon offers reports and some cave art assembled by the Australian team of Rex and Heather Gilroy to show all the reports of the Loch Ness monster don't come from Scotland. The Gilroys have two eyewitness reports of a 40-foot plesiosaur-type creature in the Hawkesbury River in 1979. Drinnon has reports on two other water-dwelling creatures, as well, pointing out the unfortunate naming of Ponik of Pehenegamook (Mocking Lake)and spotlighting a hodgepodge of other aquatic creatures, with images, inLake Monster Potpourri. Meanwhile, another cryptozoological team presents another mystery as Mark A. Hall and Loren Coleman present a selection from their book True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive. The co-authors show the evidence for a relationship between giants and humans and the schism that drove giants into remote regions of the world, hiding from mankind. Elsewhere, guest author Donald Gruber, EdD, shares events of a camping trip to Colorado's Cub Lake in 1966 with Was It Bigfoot? And some controversial video that sparked some biting commentary has the videographer responding in Kryder Bigfoot Video: Update, including the disputed footage.

Bigfoot In Florida

DNA Results are In!!

Sasquatch to Human footprint Length/Width ratio

The Face of Bigfoot.mp4

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