Friday, May 27, 2011

This excerpt from Nick Redfern's latest book, The Real Men in Black recounts a MIB encounter that took place in April 2008. The witness was Raven Meindel, a cryptozoologist, writer, radio host, and Wiccan priestess who resides in Michigan. While seemingly connected to some paranormal events, the encounter appears to have nothing to do with UFOs, however, other than the fact that she had a interest in the subject and felt that, as a result of the encounter, she should stay away from it, which is the classic MIB warning. But in Monsters & the Men in Black, Redfern explains: "what’s far less well known is the fact that the Men in Black have a deep and lasting link to the subjects of Cryptozoology and strange creatures..." Then we have a Possible Men in Black Encounter in Elk Grove by Judy Raderchakthat stretches the phenomenon even further away from its UFO origins. Have social forces overtaken whatever reality the phenomenon had to begin with?

Did A 7 Foot Tall Sasquatch Move Through The Area?

that left a 13 inch hominid footprint near where I live. ... Did Foot Tall Sasquatch Move Through The Area? Bigfoot cryptozoology forensic ...

by ParanormalIllinois 16 hours ago 0 views

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