Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Professor digs out Ivan T. Sanderson's Loch Morar Monster file and reviews a 1970 "Report of the Loch Morar Survey." Loch Morar is a Scottish lake not far from Loch Ness and far less populated. Those who conducted the survey found 30 reports of the monster, three of which they rejected as not-credible. Then, says the Professor, "I was surprised to find that the earliest recorded information about the whateveritwas pointed to a folkloric entity akin to a nastier-than-usual mermaid and shapeshifter." In a follow up post, Peeking at Ivan's SITU files: Loch Morar's Monster, Part Two, the Professor congratulates the report's authors for their courage at stating essentially that Mhorag--a "typical" elongated serpentine water animal with an indeterminate number of "humps" and a darkish coloration--is real. But what was it, exactly? Sanderson would not have liked the Professor's conclusion of Mhorag as a Fairyworld entity.

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