Sunday, May 22, 2011

A large, black, panther-like cat has been spotted prowling hillsides in and around Loch Ness, which is better known for its aquatic creatures. One dog has been attacked and people fear the cat could kill a child. A week ago villagers in Strathy, Caithness, feared sheep had been slaughtered by a similar beast. Elsewhere, a Follow-up to PNW Giant Salamanders, in which a part-time monster hunter learns from a neighbor that he might have a monster in his own backyard.

Loren Coleman comments on some demeaning remarks by Boing Boing science blogger Maggie Koerth-Baker, who dropped the “pseudoscience” bomb on cryptozoology in a recent post called Hunting the Yeti with "Popular Science." "The simple fact is, the body of cryptozoology is not pseudoscience," says Coleman. "There is a very large amount of testable physical evidence in the field of cryptozoology, and testing physical evidence is science, not Maggie Koerth-Baker’s 'pseudoscience.'” At least not all Boing Boing bloggers are so misinformed, however. And in Putin Me On, American blogger Gayne C. Young recently asked the leader of Russia a cryptozoological question: “Are there Yetis or Russian ‘wood goblins’ in the taiga?”

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