Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update on the latest drama

Bobo: Enigma of Monterey Bay Phantoms & Monsters
Lon Strickler has assembled a series of accounts and images that outline the reports of a creature that seems to have had a lengthy history of appearances in northern California's Monterey Bay. Could the creature have been a remnant from the Age of Dinosaurs? Elsewhere, Dr. Karl Shuker celebrates Spring with more "greenery" in The Hound of the Hedges - A Fascinating Fusion of Fauna and Flora in Fiction and Fact!, including cover art and other images. Meanwhile, Ken Gerhard writes of the history of the Texas-style "chupacabras" in Beware the Elmendorf Beast! And Loren Coleman has the past weekend's after action report from the event honoring John Green for his five decades in pursuit of Sasquatch, as seen in Sasquatch Summit: More Photos & Local Review.

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