Monday, April 11, 2011

That Yeti Attack on a Sherpa Woman Cryptomundo With the Saturday, April 9, 2011, showing of the National Geographic Channel program "Hunt for the Abominable Snowman" came more questions concerning a reported 1974 Yeti attack on a Sherpa woman herding yaks in a mountain valley. Loren Coleman has the evolution of the woman's story from the 1974 attack to the showing of "Hunt for the Abominable Snowman." Which is the correct description of the incident, and what accounts for the discrepancies? With photos and video. Elsewhere, Lon Strickler has a wide readership at Phantoms & Monsters, and many of his loyal followers contact him with stories of their own encounters with the unknown. Such are two tales described in the readers' own words, reported as Reader Submissions: Humanoid / Cryptid Encounters. Meanwhile, Dr. Karl Shuker notes it's the time of the year for all things to begin to turn green once again, even some of the animals, as seen, with images, in How Green Was My Polar Bear? Also, work continues on the effort of the Centre for Fortean Zoology to mount another expedition in pursuit of the Orang Pendek, and Glen Vaudrey has more information how you can contribute as an "armchair cryptozoologist" through helping to finance those secret cameras hidden in the jungle to photographically capture the target animal(s), as Vaudrey explains in Trail Cameras for Sumatra Part 4.

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