Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Sasquatchploitation Night Claws a B-Movie Fan's Dream

Return of the Snowman Commission Cryptozoology Online
Richard Freeman sings the praises of the government-backed Soviet effort to get to the bottom of the multiple reports of bipedal, manlike, hairy creatures in wilderness areas ranging from the Himalayas to the Caucasus, noting the former communist government only funded the project for three years. Now, Freeman notes, new efforts are underway by the government of Siberia to arrange a similar university-centered group for further research. There's more on the reports of such creatures in Lon Strickler's extensive report, gathered from various sources, entitled Wildmen of the Pamir Mountains. Elsewhere, Dr. Karl Shuker looks for help and gets it from some erudite readers as he tries to identify a historically reported creature in Going Wild Over the Wild American Hound - Your Assistance is Requested!, with images. Meanwhile, an intentionally out-of-place animal is all the rage in New Zealand where a large reward has been offered for proof the creature still exists in the country's wilderness, as Andrew May explains in Hunt on for NZ's Mystery Moose. And a cryptozoology website has been resurrected by Dirk Vander Ploeg, as noted in Press Release: Re-launch of Coincides with Sighting of South Bay Bessie.

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