Friday, April 08, 2011

Former Queensland Senator Recalls Yowie Encounter Phantoms & Monsters A former National Party senator who represented Queensland remembers an encounter with Australia's version of Bigfoot, an event that took place during a camping trip with classmates in which about twenty youngsters saw the creature. But former politician Bill O'Chee's 1977 Gold Coast encounter with the Australian wildman isn't the only example in this report, as several other encounters from the area around where O'Chee's sightings took place are revealed. Meanwhile, another cryptid, often referred to as the Mapinguary in its alleged South American homeland, gets an extensive review in a series of reports brought together by Lon Strickler and detailed in Does The Giant Ground Sloth Still Live? With images. Elsewhere, Dale Drinnon revisits the tale of a seemingly impossibly long sea serpent in The PAULINE SS, 1875, And Its Most Improbable Proportions, with images, and Dr. Karl Shuker calls on a book from his childhood to ask about two cryptids from Chinese and African folktales, as detailed, with images, in The Nung- Guama and the Nyamatsane - A Couple of Obscure Crypto-Primates from Once Long Ago?

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