Monday, January 31, 2011

True Giants: 1937 Cryptomundo
Loren Coleman presents information from a 1937 Autralian newspaper the may have bearing on the subject of the new book he and Mark A. Hall released in December, True Giants: Is Gigantopithecus Still Alive? Coleman remarks, "The basis of this article seems to be one T. C. Bridges. Bridges was a writer who penned what we would call cryptofiction today, as well as some factual accounts of high adventure." Did T. C. Bridges have access to accounts of giant hominoids like those reported in their new book by Coleman and Hall? Meanwhile, giants are mentioned in a report about a recent Italian symposium that covered more strangeness than just the cryptozoological, as seen in Andrew Collins' Seeking Sardinian Mysteries.

Messing with Sasquatch(s)

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