Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Second Kamchatka Expedition of Vitus Bering included German naturalist Georg Wilhem Steller who made some famous discoveries during the venture. But he also made some claims that are puzzling, including creature described in a manner that would make most naturalists assume the creature he was describing was the polar bear. But did the polar bear ever frequent the shores of the Kuril Islands and Japan? Elsewhere, a promise from an Australian political leader, made on the campaign trail, has CFZ Australia wondering 2011 - Year of the Big Cat? Meanwhile, what was first described as a documentary seems to be morphing into something more spectacular - and more filled with fantasy - as preparations seem to have advanced apace for filming in China's Shennongjia Forest District, reputedly the abode of the Chinese wildman, as detailed in Bigfoot to Stomp China in 3D.

Top three real paranormal events ever recorded

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