Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bluff Creek Film Site Project Part 34-Investigation, General Consensus #8 (10-10-2010) (PGF BIGFOOT)

1 comment:

Lee said...

I do have a question / comment about a certain footprint photo and cast that is a part of the Patterson/Gimlin experience, and to date, I have not been able to get a stright answer, therefore I was hoping to be able to express my concerns and get feedback here if possible.Also before going into the discussion, let me make it plain, since I will be mentioning a few well known and well respected individuals and sources, that I am a believer in the existence of the Sasquatch / Bigfoot - I believe the PG film subject "Patty" to be a real, live and as of yet, unclassified primate. I am also a follower of Dr.Jeff Meldrum, and have many of his books and papers on the subject. Having said that, the print in question is the Patterson/Gimlin Film Cast with Mid-Tarsal Break, I believe most are familular with this print, as not only does a picture of the cast appears in most publications, but also a picture of the actual print in the earth as well. Now what troubles me is, after viewing the actual print photo(not the cast photo)it become obvious that the animal when making this track, steps on a root or branch that is burried under the mud and dirt, and when the animal lifts it's foot, the root or stick, that it steps on it, pushes the dirt and mud back upwards, giving it a spring action, which causes the earth to rise back up, which does at first glance give the appearence of a mid-Tarsal break in the footprint. But in all actuality, it's not and I can prove that in several ways. First, there are other photo's and cast made at the same time, of the same sequence of prints, and none of the others show this characteristic of a Mid-Tarsal break, even though they are of the same animal, and same footprint. Also by looking at the cracks in the earth in the photo, it's plainly obvious, that the cracks are caused by the force of an object directly under the earth, pushing upwards, as a downward force would not cause such cracks. Now the main reason that this is such a problem to me, is first and foremost, because it's misleading and inaccurate information, and I can't, for the life of me understand why those dealing with the issue and prints, haven't noticed, or why it's not been properly stated, surely I'm not the only person who has noticed this, am I? Please ... before responding, take a good look at the actual photo of the print in the earth, and the cast photo and the other prints from that very same sequence, and tell me your thoughts. If I'm not mistaken, you can find both of these photo's in Dr.Jeff Meldrums Book - "Sasquatch Meets Science" which I find to be a very well researched and fascinating book. Any feedback or thoughts on this issue, would be much appreicated. Thanks for your time and attention in this matter. ~ Lee