Friday, December 10, 2010

Famous science writer steps all over rumors about BigfootGlobal TimesBy Zou Le Well-known Chinese science writer Fang Zhouzi, who developed a reputation for exposing academic fraud, insisted that Wildman (Bigfoot) is a ...

Gian Quasar: Recasting Bigfoot BoA: Audio
The author of the controversial book Recasting Bigfoot: Uncovering the Truth About Sasquatch Amidst the Hype of Bigfoot joins host Tim Binnall for a nearly two-and-a-half-hour-long discussion of the book and the controversial theory of the tales of a giant biped reported from nearly every continent. Gian Quasar presents the thesis from his new book, a thesis that casts the creature known as Bigfoot as actually being a "variety of undiscovered bipedal primates," and that the Sasquatch story from around the world is being skewed by the presence of "Neanderthal/feral humans" that add to the man-ape mythos. Listen online, or download. There's also news out of the People's Republic of China concerning giant hairy bipeds, too, as seen in Wild Man Elusive, Beijing Man Found and Expert: Shennongjia Savage Does Not Exist. And Loren Coleman presents a detailed listing of books associated with his name, including several that address the Bigfoot/Sasquatch enigma, in Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman: How Many Books? Elsewhere, Nick Redfern, author of Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: A Five-Year Journey in Search of the Unknown, responds to recent tales of a flying creature terrifying the citizenry with an excerpt from his book in Puerto Rican Gargoyles. Meanwhile, Jason Offutt relates the story of Fabian Hernandez and the 3-inch people witnessed by Hernandez and his brother in Columbia and Brooklyn with Little People in the Night.

Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Footage
Still the best footage to date, lets hope that changes soon
by trailriderresearch 14 hours ago 83 views

Blooper Bigfoot Research Project of Ky BFRP Video 1
This is the blooper we had shooting video 1 in the field. I thought I'd share it here for fun. Chris B.
by mrclean34 11 hours ago 0 views

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Strange Days With Bob Saget: Big Foot Bonus
procuring a samurai sword, which he is informed is essential for Sasquatch hunting. ... "bob saget" ae aande aetv "strange days with bob saget" travel ...
by AETV 17 hours ago 3 views

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