Saturday, November 27, 2010

Redfern's Book to Redefine NASA History on Moon, Mars, UFOs IBT
From the book review corner: Nagesh Narayana takes a look at some of the allegations made in prolific anomalies author Nick Redfern's new book The NASA Conspiracies which alleges a darker side of the United States space agency exists, a side frought with cover-ups and information withheld from the public. Redfern addresses a variety of allegations regarding the agency since its inception in 1958, including the long-running claim that the Apollo Moon landings were faked, the claim there exists an artificially constructed giant "face" on Mars, whether NASA is complicit in hiding facts about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, discovery of intelligently designed structures on the Moon and Venus, secret NASA technology and more. And Redfern adds to the information about his new release in The NASA Conspiracies: Published. Meanwhile, Robert McLuhan talks about his own new book that addresses the world's best known debunker in Randi's Prize: The Blog of the Book. Elsewhere, Peter Rogerson reviews four books of cryptozoology: Loren Coleman and Bruce G. Hallenbeck's Monsters of New Jersey, Gary Cunningham and Ronan Coghlan's The Mystery Animals of Ireland, Glen Vaudrey's Mystery Animals of the British Isles: The Western Isles and Melvin Willin's Monsters Caught on Film: Amazing Evidence of Lake Monsters, Bigfoot and Other Strange Beasts. After going through the evidence presented in the first three books, noting that quite a lot of that evidence springs from rather urban settings, Rogerson turns to Willin's photographic evidence with a skeptical eye he says Willin also seems to express, as revealed in Beasts of the Earth (Maybe!).
India Expedition: Second Video Report Cryptozoology Online
Reports from the recently concluded Centre for Fortean Zoology India Expedition, which set out on the track of the subcontinent's hairy, bipedal hominoid at the end of October, continue to be released. This latest video presentation is followed by more images from the search for the Mande Burung seen in More Pictures from India (Captions by Richard Freeman). Elsewhere, there are Internet photos making the rounds that have some people asking if they are Pictures of a Dead 'Mermaid' in Zimbabwe? And much more likely photos accompany the report from CFZ Australia of an item that was to have been sold yesterday, November 26, 2010, on an auction site, as seen in Rare Extinct Moa Skull Listed on TradeMe. Meanwhile, Dr. Karl Shuker has some photographic evidence, too, that goes with his admission that he has long been seeking proof of a "proboscis-advantaged pachyderm" and a camelid with more than two humps, as he explains in Two Trunks, Meet Humphrey!

Happy Birthday, Jerome Clark!

bigfoot teil 2/5
der zweite teil des bigfoot ist da freut euch.... WARNUNG:es könnte fies ankommen+
by 2000Dennisk 9 hours ago 2 views

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