Thursday, August 12, 2010

In the newest edition of his "Tales of the Weird" column, Mike Conley relates the story of a fearless Native-American mountain man, Muchalat Harry, who never returned to the woods after a Sasquatch encounter on the Conuma River in the autumn of 1928. Was an expert trapper and woodsman so terrified by his Sasquatch encounter that it turned his hair white overnight? Elsewhere, another Sasquatch tale from yesteryear is related, with video, in Javier Ortega's North Carolina Bigfoot: Spotted 32 Years Ago. Meanwhile, Gordon Rutter holidays at Loch Ness to give us a glimpse of two men who have spent considerable time on its surface and on its shore Living the Dream. And another cryptid creature is featured in Young Pitcher Wowed by Monster Activity. Just What Was in the River in 1937?, with the same article repeated and a great deal more information provided at Phantoms & Monsters in The White River Monster: Myth or Reality?
With images.

1:14Added to
this is just a few ... cryptozoology primates hominids real and paranormal creatures animals strange weird unkown cryptids yeti pictures slideshow ...
by cryptoboy9943xxz 23 hours ago 0 views

4:36Added to
In 2005, a group of explorers set out to find Sasquatch in the Beartooth Mountains.
by arjacobsen 12 hours ago 0 views

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