Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Man Eater of Lake Chany Cryptozoology Online
Recent reports crediting an unidentified lake monster in Russia's Lake Chany with the deaths of 19 fishermen have cryptozoologists agog, and Richard Freeman tackles the background on the reports of the monster in this post. The monster has been given a name, apparently by the British press, and Dale Drinnon has more on the continuing saga, including a photo and a map of the region in "Nesski". Meanwhile, there's some footage from bygone years of the pursuit of the most famous of the world's lake monsters, Nessie of Scotland's Loch Ness, in Classic British Pathe Newsreel from 1969.

Mr. Mike: The End? Cryptomundo
Loren Coleman reveals more of the saga of Lan Lamphere, Lamphere's Overnight AM broadcasts concerning the Backyard Bigfoot claims of a 70-year-old veteran in an undisclosed location, FaceBook updates on the broadcasts and whether or not the entire episode has been laid to rest. The answer is apparently "No." Meanwhile, the owner of the Cryptomundo brand is warning of the site's possible demise in Cryptomundo: The End?

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