Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Details of the Royal Navy's policy on unusual sightings on the ocean have emerged in response to a Freedom of Information request. The Navy does not maintain any form of central repository of information purely devoted to sea monsters. Sailors can make a note of their sightings in the ship's logs, the Navy said, but there is no requirement for them to do so. Sightings reported by the public are passed on to the UK Hydrographic Office, which provides charts and other navigational services for mariners. Elsewhere, Dale Drinnon has Musings on Species over at Cryptozoology Online, the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, gets the Yankee Magazine Editors: “Best Quirky Museum” award.

Some people in the field who might be tempted to shoot a mystery cat if they see one fear that the government might charge them with some crime. Should they really worry? Loren Coleman tries to answer that question in the wake of breaking news story from the American Southwest about what is being called the death of the “only jaguar in the USA,” and how the individuals who were involved in this unfortunate event were treated.

According to no less an authority than Skunk Ape researcher Dave Shealy, an RV park owner in Ochopee, Florida, now is the best time to spot Bigfoot’s “smaller, smellier cousin" as the seven to nine horny Skunk Apes living in the Everglades are now mating--and out for blood. Apparently the creatures are attracted to the scent of menstruation. Elsewhere, Lindsay Selby details The Dingonek, a walrus-like creature found in parts of Africa, Kenya in particular. Another early cryptid report appears in Utah’s Flying Prehistoric Monster, and don't miss the Top 10 Cryptozoological Creatures that Have Yet to be Exploited in Film and Television.

NM Giant Owl Cryptomundo
In an account from 1986, a family's travels through the remote parts of New Mexico in the middle of the night is made memorable by the sight of an unusually large owl standing in the road. Estimated to be a good three feet in height, the father thought to swerve to avoid it but instead had to stay the course or risk injury. Although the large bird of prey was able to take to flight, the family recalled that it bounced off the windshield and roof and strangely was not seen thereafter, leading them to wonder, due to a recent loss in the family, if the owl was more an omen than real. Elsewhere, Big cat sighting leaves experienced hillwalker baffled, and A Giant Oarfish, The Sea Serpent Of Yore, Washes Up in Sweden.

I will be on Conundrums this Thursday after 6:00 Eastern discussing the 22nd-Annual Ohio Bigfoot Conference. http://conundrumstv.blogspot.com/

Hundreds gather here for Bigfoot conference

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