Friday, April 30, 2010

From the southern part of western Siberia comes the report of a hunter who claims that his rescue of a Yeti during a spring flood on the mountainous river of Kabyrza was witnessed by local residents. Hearing a piercing shriek, the hunter saw “a creature, covered with dark-brown fur” in the river some ten metres from the bank. When the hunter than threw the creature the dry tree trunk, the creature clutched to it and crawled to the bank. Also on Cryptomundo, the 1879 story of a Half Man, Half Beastleads Loren Coleman to wonder: "Is this an early Bigfoot report, a wild newspaper hoax, a feral human account, or merely an unkempt hermit tale? Elsewhere, The Giant Mole Of Mesty Croft and The Barmouth sea serpent?

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