Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sea Creature Off Hull Cryptozoology Online
Lindsay Selby continues the collection of tales of lake creatures and sea monsters with the paraphrasing of a report Harold T. Wilkins included in his 1972 book Monsters and Mysteries. The report concerned a sighting off the coast of Hull in the United Kingdom. The report detailed remarks by seaman who made the claim, a veteran of over 40 years at sea who stated it wasn't a "a whale or a shark and were he to see it again he would retire from the sea and remain on land." That's not the only sea creature connected to the port of Hull, however, as Selby points out in another tale of a sighting made off East Yorkshire. Elsewhere, Loren Coleman quotes from an April Fool's Day column in a Hawai'ian newspaper, which, in turn, quotes Coleman as author of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, concerning the Aloha State's legendary little people, as seen in Hawaiian Weekly Calls Menehune: "First Hoax". With images. Given the date of the report and its skeptical tone, should it be taken seriously? With images.

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