Friday, April 23, 2010

Into the Sunset The Blogsquatcher
The search for the answers to the mystery known as Bigfoot is coming to an end for The Blogsquatcher, according to his latest post. Here DB Donlon gives his reasons for abandoning a quest to bring meaning to the mystery of Bigfoot. He will be missed. Elsewhere, Lindsay Selby presents the sketchy evidence for a cryptid in Polk County, Florida's Lake Clinch with Florida Lake Monster, and Richard Muirhead presents some speculation concerning an aquatic Australian saurian in Plesiosaurian Taniwhas. Meanwhile, with the 40th Annual Earth Day just passed, perhaps it's time to take another look at how the subject is presented, and Loren Coleman has a suggestion in The Ultimate Earth Day Icon: Sasquatch, with multiple images.

Clarification of last week's Editorial on Respectful Disagreement

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