Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some of the most well thought out commentary on the existence and nature of Bigfoot come from this weblog maintained by The Blogsquatcher. His explanations and insights often go well beyond what is usually presented about North America's most famous cryptid. Today's lengthy essay is no exception. Here's a key quote: "(I)t appears to me that something exists which causes people to make the reports that they do, but whatever it is has something about it which frustrates our attempts to truly discern it." Could the answers to the Bigfoot question lie waiting in other scientific disciplines besides zoology, biology and hominology? Could answers for the mysterious beast that keeps cropping up be found in another post from The Blogsquatcher entitled Bigfoot Behavior; Observable Quantum Superposition, etc...? Meanwhile, Loren Coleman has a programming note in "Gable Film" Returns: Werewolves on MQ Finale and asks Have You Seen the Cape May Sea Serpent?

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