Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ropens on a Japanese Warship?! Cryptozoology Online
Lindsay Selby notes a story that appeared last month on Jonathan Whitcomb's blog under the heading "Japanese World War II Ship Shelled Pterosaur Caves." Whitcomb explained in his post how an email from someone who lives in the area of Papua, New Guinea, claims Japanese troops, occupying the area during World War II, were attacked by flying creatures the islanders refer to as "kor," a nocturnal flying reptile that Whitcomb's correspondent says was plentiful and a danger to fishermen prior to 1940. The kor referred to appear to match the descriptions natives give of the ropen, also reported to be a flying reptile. Does any record exist of the Japanese navy unleashing its guns to pound caves used by these creatures? There are more strange creatures reported in some very old news reports, as you'll see in Muirhead's Mysteries: Cheshire Odd Fish Reports in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Meanwhile, Loren Coleman and Bruce G. Hallenbeck announce the manuscript for their new book has been turned in to the publisher, and Coleman lists the chapters and presents the cover art in Monsters of New Jersey Finished.

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