Tuesday, March 09, 2010

There have been more than 100 sightings of exotic and unidentified animals in England since 2005, according to Natural England, a government agency responsible for investigating such incidents. Of these, 38 were "big cats" reports. Though their investigations have yet to find conclusive proof of the presence of the mysterious creatures, they show the extent to which Natural England takes the reports seriously. Other reported animals include 14 coypus, a large South American rodent; 28 wild boar; and 2 cases of raccoon dogs, which are native to Asia and Russia. Elsewhere, we have an noted Englishman on expedition after the Texas blue dog in The Texas Chupacabras Y’all and a media report on a previously reported cryptid sighting in Maine: Coleman dubs new sighting 'Leeds Loki'.

"Professional Suicide" Oregon Bigfoot Blog
In this blog post and series of videos, Autumn Williams presents her case for leaving the field of Bigfoot research. Her long diatribe on the ills of Bigfoot research ends with Williams revealing that she no longer desires to be known as a Bigfoot researcher and that she will reveal her anecdotal evidence in a book. But is there something more personal involved? The blogosphere comments in OK....So You're Writing A Book and Story Telling and Dramatics in Bigfootery?

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