Monday, February 08, 2010

You probably think you know all there is to know about the legendary wolfmen after a recent review of Brad Steiger's The Werewolf Book: An Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings, a work referenced in this article, but Kate Youde tries to bring some more lycanthrope knowledge your way as the Year of the Wereolf appears to replacing 2009's recognition as The Year of the Vampire. New book releases based on the man-beasts and the days-away release of "The Wolfman", starring Benicio Del Toro, makes it imperative, we suppose, that you have a good working knowledge of the legendary shape-shifters.

Chasing the Thylacine Phantoms & Monsters
A report from the field as the search for the supposedly extinct Tasmanian Tiger is followed by scientific reports concerning the search for DNA samples and several photos and videos purporting to show living thylacines. Elsewhere, Lindsey Selby notes some relatively modern claims concerning a supposedly mythical creature in Modern Dragons. Meanwhile, Loren Coleman is looking for some love for his newest project, and you can help if you Vote For Cryptozoology Museum.

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