Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Florida resident reports on a mysterious and frightening encounter he and his date had while driving through an area known as Seminole Woods in Palm Coast. The two spotted what appeared to be a humanoid creature with attributes of a wild boar. But things turned even more mysterious years later when a workmate, not knowing about the previous encounter, related an encounter with a similar creature in Seminole Woods. Is a bipedal humanoid creature hiding out in Florida's Seminole Woods? Elsewhere, an anomalous creature is being blamed for some particularly odd livestock mutilations, as reported in Argentina: The Mule Soul - A Mythical Creature Reported in Loreto. Meanwhile, noted cryptozoologist Loren Coleman will speak today at the Mass Monster Mash, directing his lecture to the role of a noted criminal in the hunt for the Abominable Snowman, as noted in Machine Gun Kelly & Yetis?

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