Sunday, October 25, 2009

During a regularly scheduled meeting to watch the skies for UFOs, a group of UFO researchers claims to have observed a curious UFO event. The July 25, 2009, event involved a UFO seen exiting the water and speeding away. Meanwhile, there are some interesting statements among what has been released from the UFO files of another South American country, as seen in Brazil Military Leaks Amazing UFO Event. Elsewhere, Canada's release of government information comes under some fire in Declassified UFO Files Reveal Canada Feared Alien Arrival, and Norio Hayakawa adds to the distionary of UFO terms with A UFO Conspiracy Theorist versus a UFO Conspiratologist.

Bruce Duensing continues his treatise showing similarities between the ghost phenomenon and the UFO phenomenon and pointing out an experiment to measure the environmental factors present in each might "reach two ghost birds with one stone". Elsewhere, the Paranormal Pastor, Robin Swope, offers a tale that may parallel what Bruce Duensing has said, as you'll see in The Lurkers in Twilight. The good pastor relates the tale of Steve's encounter in the Pennsylvania woods during the Great Depression and follows it up with a modern day encounter with a similar entity. Then he reveals his own experience with paranormal similarities between ghostly encounters and UFO events.

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