Sunday, September 20, 2009

Encounters with Werewolves From the Shadows
Legends of werewolves are taken seriously by those who have reportedly seen the mythical beasts. Whether crossing roads in dark woods or chasing frightened teens through a suburban golf course, any of these witnesses will tell you they wouldn't believe the stories they tell if they hadn't seen it themselves. Throughout the years, those who witness the man-beast describe it as over six feet tall, muscular, bi-pedal and generally, very unfriendly. Yet, not all legends reside in remote places. One witness reports that his sighting wasn't "out in the woods or at a secluded cabin, but in Tempe, Arizona.” Elsewhere, no physical evidence has been found by officials of the State of New Hampshire confirming the existence of the state's first cougar in 140 years, but NH Takes Sightings Seriously.

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