Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Chemosit, or Nandi bear, of East African legend, has a fearsome reputation that has endured to this day in the local communities. Not thought to be a bear by definition, the legendary mystery animal was rumored to eat the brains of its victims and display a strong savagery that struck fear in hunters. Same can also be said of the Mngwa, a reportedly large cat like creature known for killing unwary tribesmen and terrorizing fearful villagers. But what to make of their "disappearance"? Since the 1920s, no reports of the Mngwa have been surfaced. Do these creatures, possibly misidentified abnormalities of very well known predators, still stalk the wilds of Africa? Or were they the amalgamation of folklore and fear? In other cryptozoology news, Confessions of a Skeptic: The Patterson Paradox and More Bridgewater Bigfoot Followup.

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