Thursday, June 04, 2009

Review: The Sasquatch Triangle 6-3-09

This was a really good show, with guests Larry Lund, Ron Schaffner, Bobbie Short and Diane Stocking, who talked about a variety of topics, such as habituation claims, Paul Freeman and whether or not he was a hoaxer, Ray Wallace, fantastic claims and whether they have validity to them, films and videos, vocalizations and other fascinating topics. Several folks called in, including Joe Beelart, Nancy S., Kirk Casey and a fellow named Darryl Dawson, who mentioned the Snelgrove Lake, Canada screwboard DNA. Not sure what The Bulldog has planned for next week, but it begins at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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