Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother Tongues, Other Flesh: Evidence of Sasquatch in Proto-Language? TGR
Micah Hanks proposes that the most ancient of all languages, the "Mother Tongue," may be a method of tracing information about Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Along the way, Hanks introduces tales of human Sasquatch contact in which Sasquatches, themselves, showed evidence of language. Did ancient emigres to the New World across the Bering land bridge, or by other points of access, bring a knowledge of huge, hairy hominoids with them and share similar names for the creature? Meanwile, at Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman notes some similarities between a prophesying West Virginia cryptid, a recent Mexican cryptid, an action-packed Mexican mural and the swine flu outbreak in Did Mothman Predict H1N1 Flu? With images.

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