Wednesday, May 13, 2009

McDowell Man: McDowell News
A North Carolina man claims he has been aware of a colony of Bigfoot in a forested area he frequents. He further states the colony is aware of him and he coexists with them because they know he means them no harm. Tom Burnette, author of Nature's Secret Agents, has much more to say about Bigfoot and even claims he sent what he believes is an infant Bigfoot skull to a laboratory for analysis. There's more North Carolina Bigfoot news from The Blogsquatcher in North Carolina Researcher Sees Bigfoot in His Thermals. Elsewhere, there's more Bigfoot information in the video work of a 15-year-old British youngster, as seen in Jordan Warner is Back with Some Bigfoot Shorts; and Paul Vella posts a report on the upcoming Texas Bigfoot Conference.

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