Sunday, May 31, 2009

Book Review: Who's Watching You? by Linda Coil Suchy

Truly terrific book.

This book basically gives an interesting perspective on the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon because the author's Gram had experiences with what she called King Kong or The Beast, back before the name Bigfoot came along. Gram grew large vegetables which were raided by something, possibly a Bigfoot (she had several sightings). She used to also make cakes made of pumpkin and zucchini for the creature, which it would accept. There are also many historical and cultural aspects discussed in the book, including the classics, as well as sighting reports given to Linda. There are several interviews with notables in the field, including Jeff Meldrum, Thomas Steenburg, Bob Gimlin, John Green, Henner Fahrenbach, Dmitri Bayanov, Robert W. Morgan and others. I give this book, which is really great, a 4 3/4 out of 5 stars. Get this book!!!

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