Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Review: Sasquatch Triangle 4-8-09

This was a really GREAT show, with guests Ron Morehead and Scott Nelson, who discussed a good deal about the Sierra Sounds and Scott's work on the sounds, especially his work on the dialect and his impressions on it. Ron also discussed a good deal about his impressions on the sounds. M.K. Davis and I were the only callers, and M.K. asked questions about the sounds and of course talked a bit about the P/G Film. I called in and asked what sort of dialect they heard in the recordings and also about whether it is possible the source of the sounds had heard humans use those languages. Dunno what Don has planned for next Wednesday, but it begins at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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