Sunday, April 12, 2009

Review: Bigfoot Outlaw Radio 4-12-09

From what I heard of this show, it was terrific, with guest Chad Scott, who discussed his sightings and research, and also told an interesting story about an encounter with a large hog. There was a hailstorm going on while Bear was on the line, and we could hear the loud hail hitting the cars and house. Several folks called in, including myself, who asked Chad about the glowing eyes phenomenon, as well as the wood on wood phenomenon. Bill Green called in and asked his standard questions and discussed the Georgia Hoax (his white whale, LOL), and also Cindy Goodbrake from Idaho, who discussed about 3-toed tracks being found in that state. Shane McMahon also called in and discussed things. So did Bob Dominguez. Next week, the show begins at a special early start time of 7:00 EST/6:00 Central, with guest Tim Baker (Coonbo). And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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