Friday, April 03, 2009

Maverick science: A surprising discovery made during research into a nervous system disorder among cats shows the feline nervous system has an ability to repair itself. Can the discovery be translated to human medical advances? Elsewhere, unlike those human scientists who seem to develop tunnel vision and never venture outside their scientific comfort zone, researchers have developed Robot Scientists That Can Think for Themselves. But won't they only be as good as the information the researchers input them with?

Featuring lots of "[deleted]"s, Loren Coleman reveals a publication, thought to be "extinct," has resurfaced among the Internet flotsam and jetsam seeking input from cryptozoologists. Isn't it amazing what your well-trained cryptozoologist runs across while diligently pursuing the strange creatures reported to lurk just out of range of the average person's peripheral vision? Meanwhile, at Paranormala, a well-intentioned, we suppose, reader offers a recipe that will reportedly attract a particular cryptid: Can You Lure the Jersey Devil With Cake? Bigfoot, of course, is a sucker for beef jerky.

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