Thursday, April 09, 2009

Book Review: Sasquatch: True-Life Encounters With Legendary Ape-Men by Rupert Matthews

Fair to good but not really great.

This book, clocking in at over 200 pages, is a rather interesting book which mostly rehashes material from other (and better) Bigfoot books, such as Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science and Meet The Sasquatch. There are many tales that seem to be lifted verbatim from the former and latter two books, but that is not the major problem-a major problem is Matthews getting facts wrong, such as when he reported on the Patterson/Gimlin Film and said that the mystery man who claimed to be in the suit back in 1999 had not come forward and has not been heard from since. Well, as we all know, that mystery man was Bob Heironimus and he DID come forward in 2004. He also tends to get some dates wrong and names wrong as well. I would say this is a fair to good book, but if you want better, go with Meldrum and Murphy's books. 3 stars out of 5.

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