Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Wolf Moon Cryptomundo
What does tonight’s first Full Moon of 2009 foretell? This one is called the Wolf Moon, a Full Moon in Cancer, and it is a precursor to a year that will be full of werewolf news. Move over vampires, you're so 2008.

The witness described the feline like being, "which stood at approximately two or 3 meters tall, was brilliant white and transparent like a hologram. It ran swiftly over the water's surface..." Over at the Cabinet of Wonders, a link to the Cottingley Fairies on Antiques Roadshow in which the daughter and granddaughter of Frances Griffiths shows the famous Cottingley fairy photographs and a camera given to Griffiths by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Roadshow expert, Paul Atterbury.

Bigfoot Was Here The Guardian
Jad Adams reviews "three studies of the persistence of belief in the paranormal" as he reports on Gregory L. Reece's Weird Science and Bizarre Beliefs: Mysterious Creatures, Lost Worlds and Amazing Inventions, Jim Steinmeyer's Charles Fort: The Man Who Invented the Supernatural and John Warne Monroe's Laboratories of Faith: Mesmerism, Spiritism and Occultism in Modern France.

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