Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Review: Bigfoot Quest 12-30-08

This was a terrific, if somewhat spirited show, with Bob celebrating the '80's with folks putting up their '80's pictures as their avatars. Bill was the first caller to the show, but he was breaking up using the Click to Talk feature, so I called in and brought him on, and we debated whether or not it was still necessary to keep tabs on the whole Georgia hoax situation (I felt it unnecessary, while Bill felt it was necessary). Evelyn Daly also called in (what a sweet voice she has!) and discussed her recent trip to Mississippi where she went 'Squatching with Laurie Phillips and Bear King (Laurie also called in and plugged her new show, as did Don Keating plugging his show for tomorrow night).Steve Summar also called in briefly. It was a terrific celebration show. Dunno what Bob and Mike have planned for next week, but it begins at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research. 

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