Friday, December 26, 2008

Here's another of those lists we all wait for when the end of another year rolls 'round. Check out the Fortean tales listed here and see what others you can think of for 2008. There's a bit of Forteana hanging on the cusp of the latest The Copycat Effect report, as well: Target; Orleans. Elsewhere, one of the summer's mysteries has been singled out, as "Monty" gets some love in Montauk Monster Wins Award.

Black panthers have been widely reported along the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, leading to a state of alarm among the citizens. Since there are no native big cats in Australia, where do these large felines come from? With photo. Elsewhere, the tales of large black cats continue to proliferate in England and in Southeastern America. Meanwhile, Florida Panther Encounters on the Rise.

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